Recommended Creams

Before going further, we want to reassure you.

By conducting a bit of your own research, you’ll find a lot of information about cloth diapers and creams. The purpose of this text is to enlighten you and not to confuse you! Baby may not need any cream at all, and in this case, I advise you not to put anything at all! On the other hand, some children need a cream to get rid of diaper rash.

Recommended Creams

White clay, cornstarch and coconut oil.

A cream that is “compatible” with cloth diapers means that it will not affect its absorption and effectiveness. Some creams contain ingredients that can seal fabrics and cause various problems, including leaks and odor problems. You will find a list of recommended creams at the bottom of this text. As our list is not exhaustive, given the quantity of creams available on the market, we want to help you make informed choices.

Recommended Creams with Zinc

Zinc oxide in small quantities: yes, but with a liner!

Zinc oxide creates a barrier against moisture (just like coconut oil) and can be very effective against diaper rash. However, since zinc tends to stain, it is necessary to use a liner or sheet to make sure you protect your diaper. In addition, a large majority of zinc-based creams also contain ingredients that can cause problems.

Non-compatible Creams

Here are the ingredients to avoid when buying cream: Petrolatum (petroleum jelly), Mineral oil, Cod liver oil, Paraffin and some waxes and clay (which can stain).

If you have a diaper that is stained or that has been in contact with a cream that has impaired its performance, wash the diaper with a detergent in hot water. You can then scrub the stain with dishwashing liquid and wash again with hot water to restore your diaper to its original state.


At all times, if you see that a rash is not healing, please consult a health professional. Some problems require treatment and professional consultation is necessary.