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In my day… Vision of an entrepreneur on cloth diapers and entrepreneurship

by agathe martineau 28 Jul 2022 1 comment

In 2022, 10 years will have passed since the beginning of my adventure. An exciting adventure that quickly surpassed my dreams and allowed me, for the first time in my career, to fully feel right where I belonged. My career as an entrepreneur has developed and adapted itself and it could have been completely different for another person. During my last 10 years, I often put on the brakes from fear of making a mistake or from lack of confidence in my own abilities. It's stimulating to start a business, but it also comes with its fair share of stress! Especially since “back in the days”, cloth diapers were still very scary...


Well, “in my time” is a strong word but when I started my cloth diaper business, the vast majority of families still opted for disposables since cloth diapers were too “hippy”! I only knew one person who used cloth diapers around me and very few daycares accepted them. The growth prognosis did not seem apparent at first!


Then I did exhibitions, big and small ones, in which people preferred to stick to the insurance kiosks rather than approaching our cloth diaper kiosk. I had tons of ideas for promotions, going from postcard discounts sent in less well-off neighborhoods to a TV commercial. For those who have experienced the Maternity Paternity exhibitions in recent years, you understand that the tide has completely turned in recent years. Cloth diapers are becoming more and more popular and I am proud that La Petite Ourse was able to be part of this wonderful evolution.

The use of cloth diapers has slowly made its way and the number of people who opt for them continues to grow. Even the pandemic has shown us that cloth diapers really are an essential good. Despite all the negative sides of it, the pandemic will have at least been able to help make this alternative more known, since cloth diapers have been able to meet the needs of autonomy and safety of many parents.

Going into business is sometimes considered but more often still, it is a small action, then another, which all put together, makes what La Petite Ourse has become: a company present in several countries, currencies and different languages. The first step was not too difficult, but the determination must be there to get through the pitfalls.

After almost 10 years in business, I can now say that I have never regretted taking this first step and that those who will follow will only solidify this great adventure. And if I may say, for all those who are hesitant to take the first step… Go ahead! You can't regret trying!

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1 comment

27 Sep 2022 Veronique

Je suis très contente d’encourager une entreprise d’ici et j’ai hâte que bébé grandisse pour utiliser que vos couches. Il n’a que 2 semaines et pèse 7 lbs, alors que toutes les couches que nous avons sont pour 10 lbs ;). Bref, bon succès à vous :)

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